Endeavor IT Supports Youth Center’s Annual Benefit

Jessica Slendak

In the heart of Chicago, the Gary Comer Youth Center (GCYC) stands as a sign of hope and empowerment for the area’s youth. This remarkable organization is committed to nurturing the dreams and aspirations of young people, offering them opportunities they may not otherwise be given. Endeavor IT proudly supports GCYC and its Annual Benefit, a celebration of the incredible work being done to shape the future. This year’s event features tours and activities designed to show off all the exciting work that’s being done at the sprawling facility.



Exploring the Youth-Led Farm


During the Annual Benefit, guests are treated to immersive tours, demonstrations, and interactive exhibits showcasing the center’s Urban Agriculture program. The Comer Crops Crew Interns guide visitors through the intricacies of the farm, orchard, and garden. These hands-on learning experiences are a testament to the impactful work being done at GCYC. Guests, including team members from IT Resource, can hold and feed chickens, harvest ginger from a high tunnel, and even participate in the vital task of spreading cover crop to prevent soil erosion. It’s an opportunity not just to witness growth but to contribute to it actively.


Culinary Arts and the Art of Giving Back


The Culinary Arts program at GCYC is not only about creating delicious dishes but also instilling a sense of purpose and community. During the Annual Benefit, Culinary Arts Apprentices take center stage. Using ingredients harvested by their peers in the Comer Crops Crew, these young chefs craft gourmet pizzas in a youth-built, wood-burning, brick pizza oven. It’s a lesson in teamwork, sustainability, and the joy of giving back.




Fine Arts, Creativity, and Collaboration


The Fine Arts programs at GCYC nurture creativity and provide young artists a platform to showcase their talents. At the Annual Benefit, youth from these programs display their crafts, many of which are available for sale. Every purchase directly supports these budding talents. One particularly interesting feature is the collaborative mural project led by Paint the City. Guests have the unique opportunity to join in, painting alongside the youth and contributing to a work of art that symbolizes unity and community involvement.


Endeavor IT: A Proud Supporter


For the Endeavor IT team, being a part of GCYC’s Annual Benefit was about more than sponsorship. It was a chance to witness the profound impact that an organization like GCYC can have on the lives of young people. The team members from our office who attended the event did so with a deep appreciation for the transformative work that’s being done.


The Gary Comer Youth Center embodies the belief that young people can be anything they want to be. It’s a commitment to nurturing well-rounded global citizens who not only reach their full potential but also contribute positively to their communities. Endeavor IT is proud to support such a noble cause, standing side by side with GCYC as they cultivate bright futures in the heart of Chicago.


In a world where possibilities are endless, GCYC is sowing the seeds of hope and empowerment, and Endeavor IT is honored to be a part of this incredible journey.